Fans of motorboats live by the tenets of speed, comfort, and flair. You can go from flying through the waves to relaxing on a sun pad with a drink in your hand at a distant harbour. Using good seamanship is essential if a storm arises out of the blue.
Remaining Calm is the First Step
Everyone should wear their life jackets, dress as warmly as they can, and descend when it’s safe to do so. To lessen the amount of water brought on board, close all hatches, doors, watertight compartments, and windows. In an open boat, occupants should take centre-line seats low at the vessel’s bottom.
Although you must get your boat to the pier as soon as possible, safety requires that you adjust the pace of the boat to the speed of the waves after they reach a particular height. That requires going very slowly. The hull and superstructure will be put under less stress, and there will be less chance that windows and portholes may break or pop out as you slow down.
Avoid the Rough Shorelines
Sheltering may be a good choice if you are far from a port but have access to islands or peninsulas. Remember that the wind direction will usually vary during most thunderstorms. Winds in a thunderstorm typically blow away from the centre of the most intense downpour.
Knowing this trend will help to estimate how long you’ll have to fight the storm. It is a good idea for smaller boats to camp out on a sandy beach. It is preferable to sacrifice the boat to save yourself, your family or your friends if you believe the situation is life-threatening.
Know Your Boat
In similar sea conditions, no two boats will respond precisely the same. Even two boats with the same hull design may behave differently depending on their load and trim since every hull design responds to the sea’s variables differently.
Each skipper must become familiar with the quirks of their boat and understand its response to shifting weather.